[Lazarus] Missing components in Lazarus 1.6 DEB

Denis Kozlov dezlov at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 23:02:34 CEST 2016

On 29/04/2016 18:29, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> Debian ships its own version of Lazarus .deb packages.
> They are split into many small packages.
> We need to create a debian bug report for the missing .lpk files.
> The sourceforge site of Lazarus itself contains a single Lazarus
> package, which does contain the .lpk files.
> It also contains a package for fpc and the fpc sources.
> You might want to install these three packages instead.
> Mattias

I've tried both, Ubuntu/Debian packaged and the official build from 
sourceforge.net. Both installations resulted in missing Lazarus files. I 
normally install from SVN which never has problems, but this time I 
tried the *.deb files.

I've inspected the packages manually and they do contain the missing 
files, but somehow they do not get extracted. I'll instigate it further, 
maybe there is some kind of incompatibility with the package manager on 
Ubuntu 16.


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