[Lazarus] Missing components in Lazarus 1.6 DEB

Denis Kozlov dezlov at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 00:36:22 CEST 2016

On 29/04/2016 18:29, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> Debian ships its own version of Lazarus .deb packages.
> They are split into many small packages.
> We need to create a debian bug report for the missing .lpk files.
> The sourceforge site of Lazarus itself contains a single Lazarus
> package, which does contain the .lpk files.
> It also contains a package for fpc and the fpc sources.
> You might want to install these three packages instead.
> Mattias

Just tried again to confirm. Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) provided package of 
Lazarus 1.6 is broken, many files are missing after the installation. I 
checked both "history.log" and "term.log" from /var/log/apt/, no errors.

The bit that confused me initially was that when I first tried to 
install "lazarus_1.6-0_amd64.deb" downloaded from sourceforge.net it 
actually installed the Ubuntu provided package instead.

I haven't tested any Debian provided packages, in case they differ from 


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