[Lazarus] Unexpected error from intfgraphics.pas when running GPIO test program

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 12:26:03 CET 2016

I have created a new Lazarus environment on a Raspberry Pi2B by
starting from a new Raspbian Jessie image and installing FPC 3.0.0 and
Lazarus 1.6RC2 from svn sources.
I also installed Indy 10.6.2 into the IDE.
All of that worked fine.

Today I opened an old gpio test project, which worked fine in Lazarus
back in October 2015. It is a really simple project with just 4
buttons, 2 TShape indicators and 1 TMemo to display progress messages
dropped on the standard default form on a new project.
It was stored in version control (CVS).

I have tried to Compile and run and also to Build and run this
program. Both build and compile works OK but the Run command does not.

It gives the following exception messages now:

Debugger Exception Notification
Project gpiotest raised exception class 'FPImageException' with
Bitmap with unknown compression (21060)
In file 'intfgraphics.pas' at line 5709
           [Break]     [Continue]

Clicking Continue pops up the next error box:

Bitmap with unknown compression (21060)
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption
Press Cancel to kill the program
  [Cancel]   [OK]

And now execution gives up.

I used the find command to find the offending file and it turns out to
be a Lazarus internal file!

pi at rpi2-jessie2:~ $ find ./ -name intfgraphics.pas

I have both Lazarus release candidates loaded, but I am working with
RC2 at the moment.

When I try to open the project options it pops up another dialog:

Read Error
Bitmap with unknown compression (21060)

And when I click OK here Lazarus itself crashes!!!

When I started it again I successfully built the project but when I
hit the green run arrow I get yet another dialog popping up:

Debugger Error
Debugger error

Ooops, the debugger entered the error state
Save your work now!
Hit Stop, and hope the best, we're pulling the plug.

The GDB command:
"-gdb-set confirm off"
did not return any result.
[Less]     [Stop]

I have tried to create a brand new project in Lazarus RC2 and put 4
buttons, 2 shapes and one memo on the form, then I run this and it
So something is fishy in my old proven test program, but how can I
find it when the problem is in a Lazarus internal file???

I created it in an earlier Lazarus and FPC version back in October

Why does this happen and is there a solution?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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