[Lazarus] Lazarus cannot debug after Raspbian upgrade

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 23:00:11 CEST 2016

On Sat, 30 Jul 2016 18:33:47 +0200, Koenraad Lelong
<lazarus2 at de-brouwerij.be> wrote:

>That environment variable is a remainder of previous tests. The original 
>c-test-program (x_pigpiod_if2) can be used in two ways : without that 
>environment variable, then the defaults are used (ip-address 
>and port 8888), or with environment variables set, then those values are 
>used for port and/or ip-address. The lazarus program never did use these 
>environment variables.
>Would it be a problem if you used the latest ready-made image of 
>raspbian, and try again ? I used that image and only did safe-upgrade's 
>after that. I never used the distupgrade.
the Pi I am testing on has a lot of other stuff installed like
FPC/Lazarus and component packages in Lazarus etc etc.
It is used as a development platform for a data logging automation
software system (where I use the GPIO to control power relays).
Because of the relay/GPIO issue I was interested when I read about the
new GPIO server in Jessie and the Pascal port of the C code you have

But I cannot re-image the Pi right now with the May Jessie image
because I will have to go through all of the setup issues I have
already dealt with on the system I have.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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