[Lazarus] Strange error with TValueListEditor

Richard Mace richard.mace at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 13:30:49 CEST 2016

Hi all,

I am getting the following error within Lazarus 1.4.4 On Windows 10 when
loading my project:

Fix LFM file:
Error: Identifier Strings is not published in class "TValueListStrings" and
it's highlighted a row that contains:
Strings.Strings = ('')

I have a button that says "Remove all invalid properties" and then I click
that, I then get
"Division by zero" with just a cancel button.

It then takes me to my main.lfm file and then that's it.
Every subsequent time I reload Lazarus, I get the same "Division by zero"
message and I can no longer view my form.

Any ideas please?


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