[Lazarus] Access violation r.51977

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 14:29:18 CET 2016

On 3/24/16, Vojtěch Čihák <vojtech.cihak at atlas.cz> wrote:

> Commit description (by Bart):
> LazUtf8: firts attempt to rewrite Utf8CompareStr and Utf8CompareText so that
> Lazarus 1.7 r51976M FPC 3.0.0 x86_64-linux-qt
> Qt 4.8.7, Plasma 5.5
> @Bart: Should I report it or do you still work on it? Will you need some
> more info (stack trace or whatever)?

Please open a ticket about it in Mantis.
Can you see if a "simple pascal program" with added dependecy on
LazUtils pacakge and with "uses LazUtf8" works?

And yes, a backtrace would be helpfull.

Let's continue the discussion in bugtracker.


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