[Lazarus] Teaching Pascal at College

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Thu Oct 13 16:19:41 CEST 2016

On 13.10.2016 15:37, Adrian De Armas via Lazarus wrote:

> The second part will introduce:
>   * GUI environment. Dropping components on a form and arrange them.
>     Changing properties.
Thanks to RAD, creating a GUI is extremely simple in Lazarus (any of the 
students you described can learn to create a simple GUI  in just some 
minutes). It's a lot more fun to test your code in the GUI you created 

So I would begin the lessons with "creating a simple GUI".

Here you would teach to create a program ("application" in Lazarus 
speak)  that shows a Button. No code at all needs to be written and you 
can start it and happily see your GUI.

Then doubleclick the button in the GUI designer and Lazarus will write 
(and install) an event handler function for you.

Now you can do your first line of code:

Caption := 'Hello World';

(You even don't need to write Caption := as Lazarus autocompletes the 
code if desired.)

Now press F9 and Lazarus compiles and starts your program and you can 
click the Button and see the result.

I thinks this start will make the students most happy, as they are 
rewarded by instant success.


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