[Lazarus] Editor doesn't scroll horizontally - no scrollbar

denisgolovan denisgolovan at yandex.ru
Fri Sep 9 10:40:15 CEST 2016

09.09.2016, 11:34, "Graeme Geldenhuys" <mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk>:
> Hi,
> I see this bug quite frequently in my Linux version of Lazarus.
>   Lazarus 1.7 r52715 FPC 2.6.4 x86_64-linux-gtk 2
> I can't remember ever seeing it under FreeBSD, where Lazarus IDE also
> uses LCL-GTK2.
> Anyway. I'm in the editor, and have a long line of code that goes off
> the screen to the right. I press END, and my cursor is off the screen,
> but the editor never scrolled horizontally. There is no horizontal
> scrollbar either. I can still scroll vertically though.
> The only way to fix this is to restart Lazarus IDE. I can't reproduce
> this bug on demand, but I do experience this bug about 3-5 times per
> day. I've tried to do a clean rebuild of Lazarus IDE, but that did not
> resolve the issue.
> Anybody else experienced this bug?
> Regards,
>   Graeme

Hi Graeme

Not sure if it's the same bug, but I frequently experience following Lazarus behavior.
Also Linux version under GTK2.

Suddenly cursor in editor disappears and I can't return it back. Sometimes switching tabs back and forth helps, sometimes not. Looks like SynEdit bug.

Denis Golovan

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