[Lazarus] Lazarus IDE compilation error due to "No memory left"

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizamericop at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 11:34:03 CEST 2016

2016-09-11 22:34 GMT-03:00 Martin Frb <lazarus at mfriebe.de>:

> On 12/09/2016 02:14, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:
> Running windows 10, fpc trunk 32bit, lazarus trunk.
> In the task manager, i get 42% of memory usage (3,3 GB of 7,9GB) having
> more then 4GB free
> 32 bit doesnt use more than 4GB, and some goes to the system.

The system (Windows 10) is 64bit so it can handle all the memory.

According to task manager FPC uses about 800MB of memory of the theoretical
3GB of a 32 bit process.

See this screen shot. The spike in task manager is due to the compilation:

> The problems seems related to number of packages installed (i have 78).
> Trying to compile in a linux VM with fewer packges runs fine.
> In previous times, i rebooted and the compilation suceeded. Today still
> not tried.
> Tried to compile after reboot without success

> Switch of smart linking for the IDE.
> You can keep the units smartlink-able (for your projects).

AFAICS the IDE does not uses SmartLink. Here is the command line compiler:

C:/bin/code/fpcdev/bin/i386-win32/fpc.exe -gl -vbqewnhi -Sci -dlclwin32
-Fu../designer -Fu../debugger -Fu../debugger/frames -Fu../converter
-Fu../packager -Fu../packager/frames -Fu../components/custom -Fuinclude/win
-Fuframes -Fu. -Fiinclude -Fiinclude/win32 -Fi../images -FE..
-FU../units/i386-win32/win32 -WG
@C:\Users\luiz\AppData\Local\lazarus\idemake.cfg -di386 lazarus.pp

There's no -CX option. Also no {$SMARTLINK ON} directive in sources

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