[Lazarus] Form resize reverted after click on component palette

Lukas Gradl fpc at ssn.at
Mon Sep 26 12:35:34 CEST 2016

Oh - sorry - forgot that vital information. Was before my first coffee  
in the morning...

Zitat von Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus <lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org>:

>> When I resize or move a form in the designer and click on a component
>> in the palette afterwards (to place it on the form) the change is
>> reverted - the form has the same size and position as before my change.
> What platform?
> Do you a docked IDE?

Debian Linux x64, Cinnamon, GTK2, Anchordocking
Lazarus SVN-Revision 53015
FPC 3.0 fixes branch, SVN-Revision 34552

>> This happens even after saving the change or if you do something else
>> in between (e.g. writing some eventhandler)
>> E.g:
>> Move or resize the form - click on the OnActivate-event - write some
>> code - save the whole project - click on a component (e.g. TEdit) in
>> the component palette - form has same size and position as before the
>> resize/move.
> It works here.

Just retested - happens all the time, new project, reopened old  
project - always the same.

Problem disappears when switching to QT - so it seems to be a problem  
in GTK2. Unfortunatly no Windows around, so can not test there.
I switched my IDE to QT now - but it still might be worth a look to  
hunt down the problem.

>> I use Lazarus mainly for developing applications without GUI - so I
>> can't really say since when I have that problem.
>> But perhaps someone has an Idea what I might do wrong?
> Mattias

Thanks for all help,


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