[Lazarus] Installing LNet in Lazarus 1.6 fails

Denis Kozlov dezlov at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 00:17:49 CEST 2017

Try using the latest SVN version:
(currently revision 2706)

On 22/06/2017 16:15, Bo Berglund via Lazarus wrote:
> I downloaded the LNet 0.6.5 zipfile from:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus-ccr/files/lNet/lNet%200.6.5/lnet-0.6.5.zip/download
> I extracted it into a folder on my Win7 PC and then I started Lazarus
> 1.6 and went to Packages/Open Package File, navigated to the LNet
> folder and selected the lazaruspackage/lnetvisual.lpk file.
> Next I used the Install command and it adviced that it would also
> install another lnet package. Accepted and it ran for a while, then
> stopped with the following in the messages window:
> Messages, Warnings: 1
> Warning: other sources path of package "lnetbase 0.6.5" contains
> directory "..\lib", which is already in the unit search path.
> Compile package lnetbase 0.6.5: Success, Warnings: 11
> lws2tcpip.pp(49,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
> lcommon.pp(358,4) Warning: User defined: check these ambiguous errors
> lnet.pp(558,14) Warning: Comparison might be always true due to range
> of constant and expression
> lnet.pp(623,14) Warning: Comparison might be always true due to range
> of constant and expression
> lnet.pp(784,30) Warning: User defined: check if we need aOp = soSend
> in the IF, perhaps bad recv is possible?
> lnetssl.pp(214,24) Warning: Symbol "GetConnected" is deprecated
> lhttputil.pp(92,45) Warning: Symbol "ShortMonthNames" is deprecated
> lwebserver.pp(325,23) Warning: Symbol "CommandLine" is deprecated
> lwebserver.pp(478,21) Warning: Symbol "CommandLine" is deprecated
> lwebserver.pp(1123,4) Warning: User defined: TODO
> lthreadevents.pp(101,26) Warning: Symbol "Resume" is deprecated
> Compile package lnetvisual 0.6.5: Success
> Build IDE: Exit code 2, Errors: 1, Warnings: 1
> Warning: Recompiling sslsockets, checksum changed for OpenSSL
> fphttpclient.pp(285,6) Fatal: Cannot find sslsockets used by
> fphttpclient. Make sure all ppu files of a package are in its output
> directory. ppu in wrong
> directory=C:\programs\lazarus1.6\fpc\3.0.0\units\i386-win32\fcl-net\sslsockets.ppu..
> I have no idea what is going on here, I just want to test the LNet
> components for a simple TCP Client application.
> What could I do to get this installed?
> Lazarus 1.6 for Windows
> FPC 3.0.0
> OS: Windows 7 X64

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