[Lazarus] Animation library

Chavoux Luyt chavoux at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 12:51:59 CET 2017

Hi Graeme,

> I've been using JWM non-stop for the last 4 years! I'll never return to
> a bloated "desktop environment" again.
Sounds interesting to me... I always tend to have multiple desktop
environments/window managers installed. i have two questions:
1. Do you have any idea how it compares to Fluxbox? It sounds pretty
similar to me? Maybe even lower on resources?

>  * Menus are a breeze to edit. I even used a 3rd party tool that
>    generated JWM include files from Gnome/KDE menus (but don't do
>    that any more).
What tool did you use for this? I tend to edit my KDE menus with Kmenuedit
and really do not want to do it all by hand again in a text file (or is
there another way to do this)?

I use Debian (with extra repositories) and find that almost always some of
the programs I have installed with aptitude do not show up on the menu.

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