[Lazarus] Who is using Object Pascal in production?

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 29 02:36:01 CET 2017

Am 27.10.2017 18:46 schrieb "Ralf Quint via Lazarus" <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org>:

I can do everything I need to do (and then some) with
FreePascal/Lazarus. Yes, there are some areas where a bit more work is
needed, like being able to create Android/iOS applications with Lazarus
in the way it can be done with Delphi, or creating applications for
macOS. Or coding for embedded stuff with AVR based boards. Something
that IMHO should be put more focus on than adding the latest fads from
other programming languages to the compiler, just because some people
THINK they need this.

Please note that the people working on the compiler and those working on
the Lazarus IDE are nearly completely not the same. So comfortably creating
apps for Android and iOS as well as support for 64-bit macOS apps using
Cocoa is orthogonal to language features.
The only part that tangents the compiler team would be the extended AVR
support, but even then you need people that are interested in it (e.g. I
had worked on the m68k code generator because I wanted, not because someone
told me to).

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