[Lazarus] Multilang application and syncing .po files

Maxim Ganetsky ganmax at narod.ru
Tue Jun 19 13:45:53 CEST 2018

19.06.2018 14:09, Tomáš Emresz via Lazarus пишет:
> Hello,
> i  have  done generating .po files, could translate it through PoEdit,
> but  -  when  i add some RS or component, Lazarus update only main .po
> file,  not  .cs.po etc. So could Lazarus update these files too, or is
> there  any  merge tool for this ? Of course, I understand, that I must
> translate  this  string  after,  but  this  time,  I  sync  this files
> manually, which is bad.
> Any idea ?

Which Lazarus version, OS?

Lazarus does update translations together with main .po file. Make sure
that your antivirus does not block writing to them (look at dates/times
of translation files, if e.g. the half of them have the same date/time
after update and the others not, this is antivirus).

Note that you can sync translations with main .po file manually using
<lazarusdir>\tools\updatepofiles tool:

updatepofiles mainpofile.po

Best regards,
 Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:ganmax at narod.ru

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