[Lazarus] SQLdb_Tutorial3 error

Rik van Kekem rik at graficalc.nl
Tue Mar 13 12:46:05 CET 2018

Op 13-03-2018 12:22 schreef Santiago A. via Lazarus:
> Thanks. Finally it works. I created the table employee and set the full
> path of the file.
> Nevertheless, it looks that sqlite3 is a little... well... sending
> SIGSEGV is not a valid error, "cant' find file", "table doesn't exits"
> etc would be much better.
> I would like to dig a little and try to improve error detection. Is
> there any way I can debug into open?. I've tried compiling Lazarus IDE
> with debug, but skips over "open" call. What should I compile in debug
> mode to parse FQuery.open?
I take it you already activated the debugging options (which were 
disabled in your published project). Otherwise you wouldn't even be able 
to trace to the Open line.

Next problem is that the database sources are not part of the Lazarus 
IDE. They are from FPC. So you would need to recompile the complete FPC 
to be able to step through it. (Recompiling Lazarus IDE only compiles 
the IDE part with debugging information)

I use the trunk version from my own script but you could use fpcupdeluxe 
to install a development version, in which you could trace through the 
whole source. http://wiki.freepascal.org/fpcupdeluxe

Here, I get the correct and expected warnings/errors when using the 
SQLite3 driver (in both Lazarus 1.9 and 1.8.2). SQLite will 
automatically create an empty database if it does not exist. After that 
it should warn about the absence of the employee table.


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