[Lazarus] SQLdb_Tutorial3 error

Santiago A. svaa at ciberpiula.net
Tue Mar 13 12:22:44 CET 2018

El 13/03/2018 a las 11:30, Rik van Kekem via Lazarus escribió:
> Op 13-03-2018 10:43 schreef Santiago A. via Lazarus:
>> My point is if I'm missing some package, or the dll should be in other
>> path, or a hint how to dig and debug deeper, beacuse I can't debug into
>> open.
> No, the SQLite3.dll and your DB should be sufficient.
> Could you include your .ini file and your SQLite db?
> Normally the firebird employee database is in
> C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\examples\empbuild\EMPLOYEE.FDB
> (which you can copy to another location so you can access it)
> But for SQLite you'll need to create your own DB with the correct
> table and content.
> Rik

Thanks. Finally it works. I created the table employee and set the full
path of the file.

Nevertheless, it looks that sqlite3 is a little... well... sending
SIGSEGV is not a valid error, "cant' find file", "table doesn't exits"
etc would be much better.

I would like to dig a little and try to improve error detection. Is
there any way I can debug into open?. I've tried compiling Lazarus IDE
with debug, but skips over "open" call. What should I compile in debug
mode to parse FQuery.open?


Santiago A.

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