[Lazarus] devmgmt.msc

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 18:34:53 CEST 2018

El 30/03/2018 a las 15:43, duilio foschi escribió:
> thank you for the code, but
> 1. I get a number of error messages while compiling the unit with
> Lazarus 1.6.4 under W7 (see below)
> 2. I cannot understand how I can get the enumerated COM device names
> into a TStringList as I need to process the names.


I'm unable to understand how you get the first error :-? TLibHandle is 
in system unit which is mandatory, so I do not know how to you can get 
an "Identifier not found" :-?

Anyway, attached you can get a project sample, so you can process the 
data. You can extract the COM number from the name displayed.


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