[Lazarus] How to debug DB errors.

Donald Ziesig donald at ziesig.org
Wed May 30 17:38:28 CEST 2018

On 05/30/2018 10:42 AM, Joost van der Sluis via Lazarus wrote:
> Op 30-05-18 om 16:24 schreef Donald Ziesig via Lazarus:
>> I have been developing database apps for years and I have finally 
>> reached my limit.  Occasionally I get exceptions in the db code but 
>> the Call Stack is truncated as is shown below.  I usually just "bite 
>> the bullet" and single step through the code till I find the 
>> offending line.  This time, I got an exception after 8 hours of 
>> execution.  Is there any way that I can set this up so that I get a 
>> location in my own code?
> You could try to install the LazDebuggerFP package, and switch to the 
> FPDebug debugger in your debugger-options. In a lot of cases it shows 
> a more complete callstack.
> And did you already tried to use the fcl-db package with debug-info? 
> If you want to, go to a terminal, change to current directory to the 
> fcl-db source (where the fpmake.pp file is). Then do:
> fppkg install -o -gl
> Then build your application in Lazarus, and you will have fcl-db with 
> debug-info.
> Regards,
> Joost.
Hi Joost!

Thanks for the quick response.

I found the fpmake.pp file in /usr/share/fpcsrc/3.0.4/packages/fcl-db.  
Using sudo -i, I ran:

fppkg install -o -gl

It responded "Error code 301", then "Compile successful".

I ran it again:

hp-laptop fcl-db # fppkg install -o -gl
Warning: Unexpected response status code: 301
The FPC Package tool encountered the following error:
Found broken packages, run "fppkg fixbroken" first

hp-laptop fcl-db # fppkg fixbroken
Warning: Unexpected response status code: 301
Re-install packages which are dependent on just installed packages
The FPC Package tool encountered the following error:
Stream read error

All google searches for error 301 showed "Moved permanently" as the 
meaning.  Unfortunately, it doesn't show where it was looking when it 
got the 301 error.  Any suggestions?


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