[Lazarus] Switching debugger based on Project settings for embedded targets

Michael Ring mail at michael-ring.org
Tue Nov 20 22:44:22 CET 2018


Since a while I am using lazarus not only to edit/compile projects for 
embededded controllers, but also debugging now works very nicely.

There is only one issue I see at the moment, the debugger is a global 
setting, afaik I cannot change the debugger configuration based on a 

The problem is that for debugging arm I will have to use 
arm-none-eabi-gdb, for pic32 I will have to use mips-sde-elf-gdb for 
debugging and both will have to use a special debugger class for 
interfacing with Segger JLink Debug Probe and possibly openocd in the 

Other people, that use Lazaeus for Windows/Linux/Mac Development would 
also need to change the global setting when switching from embedded 
development to native development to the default gdb debugger.

What is the best way to implement this project based override, I guess I 
can do the coding myself as I have also created my own debugger for 
JLink, but I do not know how to do this debugger switching in the proper 
'Lazarus' way.....

Thanks in advance,


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