[Lazarus] Lazarus 2.0.2 EditorMacroScript error on first startup RPi4B

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sat Aug 17 11:41:01 CEST 2019

On 17/08/2019 10:03, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 23:57:51 +0200, Martin Frb via lazarus
> <lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>> On 16/08/2019 23:34, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote:
>>> Given I used the "official" installer it should contain "everything"
>>> needed for all enabled functions and yet it does not.
>> It looks I missed something? I got that you get an error on rasbi/arm.
>> I did not get what issue happens on win64? What is missing?
I still do not know what error you get on win7/64 bit....

>> So questions here again:
>> 1)
>> Does editor macro work (self test passed / enabled in global options),
>> if you remove the following changeset:
>> https://github.com/User4martin/pascalscript/commit/269faf94db7be08f243aa1b1f55b28624e0692d5
>> Ideally also run the testcase in the componet/pascalscript dir. But I
>> leave that optional.
>> 2) Does it work if the IDE (or relevant packages) are compiled with:
>> -dPasMacroNoNativeCalls
>> (That does not affect the test in the pascalscript dir)
>> 3) If both are applied?
> I don't even know what the macro system is used for or how to invoke
> it since on *every* Lazarus install I have done I have encountered the
> dialog that disables it...
> So I cannot test. But it seems I can program OK in the IDE without it.
You can record "EditorMacros" in the IDE. That is a series of commands 
to the Editor. And then replay it as often as needed.
The basic macro work without PascalScript. So the basic will work for you:

With PascalScript you can do more complex Macros.

As for "it works". It should work if it passes the self-test at IDE 
Tools > Options > Editor Macro Script > Status
If it says "Scripting active" then it passed the self test.

> Here is your first reply in this thread taken from my news archive:
So that was the same/similar reply

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