[Lazarus] Modal Window Crashes on Mac OS X 10.15 Beta (Catalina)

Dmitry Boyarintsev skalogryz.lists at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 15:13:54 CEST 2019

On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 5:49 AM Tobias Giesen via lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> the fix works fine! It does make sense, and maybe Apple changed
> something in Catalina and they still need to update the documentation.
> The way aloop() is called now does look like a quick workaround, maybe
> it is possible to find a better looking way to run it. Maybe there is a
> different callback or method override where this can be called. But
> since it works fine, I am quite happy already!

I wonder if it's related to the official support of UIKit.
UIApplication doesn't suggest overriding of events handling (it only allows
to "preview" an event before it has been executed by UIKit).
(nothing mentioned in release notes though:

The patch has been applied. I left the door open for the original
implementation (with run method override).

By the way, did anyone try 32-bit Carbon app (i.e. Lazarus)? :)

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