[Lazarus] The future of the Lazarus IDE

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sun Nov 24 11:38:41 CET 2019

On Sun, 24 Nov 2019, Florian Klämpfl via lazarus wrote:

> Am 24.11.19 um 10:30 schrieb Bo Berglund via lazarus:
>> On Sat, 23 Nov 2019 18:50:07 -0500, Daithi Haxton via lazarus
>> <lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>>> For my 2 cents, keep Lazarus as an independent, native code IDE. We do 
> instrumentation packages for manufacturing robots, and ?the Web? is simply 
> not an option. Laz makes us at least 10x more productive than any other 
> option (and we?ve tried other options - we still maintain code in C++ and C# 
> using VS and it?s a nightmare compared to the Lazarus environment).
>>> What really scares us is that all the mainstream OSes are becoming so Web 
> and mobile centric - the way M$ is rumbling I seriously wonder if and how 
> they?ll support any native development in the not too distant future. 
> Lazarus, with it?s native abilities for Linux, gives us a clear path out 
> should M$ abandon manufacturing and the desktop in general - and we are most 
> appreciative!
>> We are also using Lazarus for hardware related stuff with no help at
>> all from the web!
> I think this is *the* main advantage of FPC/Lazarus: you can use it for 
> almost every type of application on any platform (sorry C64 users, we do 
> not have a solution ... yet ;)).

That is exactly what I give as the reason for using pascal:

I don't think there is any other highlevel language that covers so many platforms.

The only scalp missing on our belt is the mainframe.


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