[Lazarus] The future of the Lazarus IDE

Ralf Quint freedos.la at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 22:48:16 CET 2019

On 11/24/2019 1:35 PM, Luca Olivetti via lazarus wrote:
> El 24/11/19 a les 19:47, Graeme Geldenhuys via lazarus ha escrit:
>> Web only apps is not really my cup of tea. I
>> don't always work where there is good any any internet.
> But you can run a custom web app on a local server, no internet needed.
> I never wrote something like that, but I have some applications where 
> that could be useful. 

But that web server is another app that you need to install and support, 
and another source for dependencies likely out of your control. And 
certainly nothing that a single user (who just wants to get his/her work 
done with it) commonly wants to deal with...


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