[Lazarus] Problem installing package from OLPM on Raspbian

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 23:17:08 CET 2019

The system I have is running Raspbian Buster on an RPi4B with 4GB RAM.
I use FPC 3.0.4 and Lazarus 2.0.4

Today I was going to transfer a project from Windows to Raspbian
through Subversion and then I needed to install some dependencies into
Lazarus too.
Specifically I used Online Package Manager from the Package menu to
find and install UniqueInstance.

The process ran for a while then asked me if I wanted to rebuild
Lazarus IDE, which I replied yes to and after a little while it
stopped with a displayed message:
Build IDE: Exit code 2, Errors 1
Fatal: Unit IDECmdLine searched but LazConf found

At this point the IDE is still visible on screen but totally
unresponsive, cannot even be closed and no menus respond to mouse

In a terminal I can see this:
pi at rpi4-gui:~ $ ps aux |grep lazarus
pi       31262  0.0  0.5  38492 23992 ?        S    22:53   0:00
/home/pi/dev/lazarus/2.0.4/startlazarus --pcp=/home/pi/.lazarus_2.0.4
pi       31264  3.8  2.2 146760 89456 ?        Sl   22:53   0:48
/home/pi/dev/lazarus/2.0.4/lazarus --no-splash-screen
--started-by-startlazarus --pcp=/home/pi/.lazarus_2.0.4

What is the cause of this problem and what can I do to solve it?

Kill lazarus via terminal or what?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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