[Lazarus] MatchesWindowsMask('[x]','[x]') return False

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 18:37:56 CET 2020

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 8:25 AM Rolf Wetjen via lazarus
<lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> seems that this isn't your favourite option.

Without any context, I cannot comment on this.

> Ok, what's about an additional TMask property to control the useage of
> sets (default should be true for Delphi compatibility) and additional
> options for the MatchesMask and MatchesWindowsMask functions?

It's on my ToDo list (as long as other devels don't object to this.
I intend to have an Options property for that, with for now
moCaseSensitive and moDisableSets.
There will be an overloaded constructor TMask,Create((const AValue:
String; ASeparator: Char = ';'; const Options: TMaskOptions = []);
(By default CaseSensitive and DisableSets must be off for backwards

It will only be for trunk and the next stable major release (so it
won't go into fixes branch) anyhow.


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