[Lazarus] The Problem with the Linux Desktop

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 23:11:59 CET 2020


I saw someone had had modifications and unfortunately it caused the
appindicator to stop working on my desktop. I rolled back the version to my
last check in and it worked again. I also found that on the Cinnamon
desktop you can add a systray applet and the old Gtk2 style tray icons
work, albeit in a separate applet contain in your panel.

I have a few projects I am working on in addition to my tutoring of kids. I
want to work on the Lazarus Gtk3 widgset and get it working enough to
compile and run Lazarus with it. I have soem changes to it already that
made some stuff work a lot better, but I haven't worked on the Gtk3
widgetset for about 8 months. When I do I try to coordinate with David.

Thanks, Anthony.
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