[Lazarus] unit Masks vs. unit FPMasks

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 16:12:55 CET 2021

El 23/02/2021 a las 10:41, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
 > Masks in LazUtils has a slow implementation.
 > I planned to optimize it but now I realize we may have overlapping code.
 > Q: Are Masks (LazUtils) and FPMasks (fpindexer) compatible?
 > If they are, we should dump the LazUtils Masks and use code from 
FPC's libs.

fpMasks and Masks are quite the same from my point of view, in fact 
fpMasks (if my memory serves me) have various problems with UTF8 handling.

I'll send you (direct mail) my TMaskAnsi, TMaskUTF8 and TMaskUnicode so 
you can do whatever you want with them :-)

Based in RTL's encoding you can alias TMask to any of them.


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