[Lazarus] Custom options FPC WpXXX.

Alfred alfred at consulab.nl
Wed Jan 27 07:26:58 CET 2021


Work is done regarding the FPC embedded FreeRTOS target. Results are 
looking very good.
Time for a bit more Lazarus integration.


When compiling for embedded, the -WpXXX FPC option is used as a custom 
option in Lazarus. To define an embedded system. This setting is 
exported as a FPC macro: FPC_MCU_XXX. However, this macro is not 
visible/usable in Lazarus. All code enclosed if a {$define 
FPC_MCU_XXX}...{$endif} remains grayed out.

It would be very nice to get this implemented.
If somebody points me to the right direction, I will make a patch myself 
if needed. However, I need some help to know were to start.

Thanks, Alfred.
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