[Lazarus] Qt5 IDE fails to build on Linux

zeljko zeljko at holobit.hr
Mon Jun 12 15:22:53 CEST 2023

On 12. 06. 2023. 13:35, Giuliano Colla via lazarus wrote:
> Attempting to build latest Lazarus trunk on Linux CentOs7 with Qt5 fails 
> with error:
> /home/colla/Applicazioni/lazarus_main/lcl/interfaces//qt5/qtobject.inc:44: undefined reference to `QGuiApplication_setFallbackSessionManagementEnabled'
> It succeeds setting
> in qtdefines.inc
> My cbindings outdated or bug?

Your bindings are outdated. If you use trunk lazarus then you must build 
your own bindings. Besides that, bindings won't change soon, so current 
trunk libQt5Pas v.1.2.13 will be pushed to 2.4 and distros.


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