[Qt] FreePascal Qt4 binding: Qt 4.2.1 preview

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Sat Jan 6 12:42:04 CET 2007

On Friday 05 January 2007 16:58, Hess, Philip J wrote:
> On Windows, my test program crashes at startup when compiled with 2.1.1,
> but starts up okay when compiled with 2.0.4. I used your latest
> libqt4intf.dll and qt4.pas.

the gdb backtrace does not help much.
I see probably wrong coordinates and a zero DC (probably wrong)

Is is possible to reduce the program source as much as possible
(but that it still crashes) and send it to me, please

I can add manually code in the binding to inspect 
parameters for correctness. If I see a difference between
what pascal receives as parameter values and what 
Qt.dll reports in the backtrace -> there is the bug

BOTTOM = 2090114328

#7  0x0046053e in TWINCONTROL__WMPAINT (MSG=
      {MSG = 1056, DC = 0, PAINTSTRUCT = 0x0, RESULT = 0}, this=0xeb878)
    at wincontrol.inc:4718


Den Jean

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