[Qt] LCLwebkit and javascript

Antonio Sanguigni a.sanguigni at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 11:59:56 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I'm try to put a browser into my application migrating from
delphi/windows to Lazarus/cross-platform. Of course, with Delphi I
used TWebBrowser. Now, on the lazarus mailing list Osvaldo Filho
pointed me to lclwebkit. I would like to know if there is a way to
activate in this engine cookies and javascritpt that the site I should
have to browse has.

Thank you

Antonio Sanguigni alias slapshot
GioveLUG (Linux User Group) - http://www.giovelug.org
Edupup (Educational distro) - http://www.pieroni.biz/edupup

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