[Qt] Please version the libqt4intf.so!

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Tue Sep 1 22:05:05 CEST 2009

On Monday 24 August  2009 13:39:12 Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> Okay, then I will add this as Todo for Ubuntu 10.04 (Debian experimental is
> always open ^^)

I am working on it. After some reading about linux library
versioning it appears to me that our proposed solution 
with a letter is not standard.
I will therefore do the following:
$ ls l libqt*
... libqt4intf.so -> libqt4intf.so.5
... libqt4intf.so.5 -> libqt4intf.so.5.1.71
... libqt4intf.so.5.1.71

Qt 4.4:  libqt4intf.so.5.1.71 with an internal soname of libqt4intf.so.5
Qt 4.5:  libqt4intf.so.4.1.71 with an internal soname of libqt4intf.so.4
Both linker names however become libqt4intf.so (without versioning)

I have changed the pascal interface so that is uses the soname:
  QtIntf = 'libqt4intf.so.5';

    QtIntf = 'libqt4intf.so.5';

However I noticed that the so called linker name of the library also
needs to be present, so this was useless. 
(... libqt4intf.so -> libqt4intf.so.5)

Do you know of a way to specify in the source for compile/link time:
- that pascal qt4.pas needs libqt4intf.so.5 and not libqt4intf.so.4 
- that c++ qtpas.cpp needs libQtCore.so.4.5 and not libQtCore.so.4.4.

Any ideas ?

Den Jean

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