[Qt] V2.0 Qt 4.5.X

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Tue Jan 19 23:33:12 CET 2010


I released V2.0 of the FreePascal Qt4 Binding.


There should not be any problems, because 
none were reported for the RC releases :-)

The binding source in this release comes with a 
qmake project that should ease compilation.

The new library name was chosen to better reflect the usage of the binding.

The target variable in the qmake project defines the library 
core name that results in the following platform names :

qmake target = Qt4Pas
qmake Version = 5.2.0 
(5 from Qt4.*5* and 2.0 from binding 2.0)  -> 

 * Windows : Qt4Pas5.dll
 * Osx : Qt4Pas.framework
 * Linux : libQt4Pas.so.5.2.0

Known bug:
compilation for embedded is not correctly auto-detected by qmake project. 
So edit qmake project and change DEFINES += $$PLATFORM line 
Use the appropriate qmake spec. E.g.:
/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.3/bin/qmake -spec qws/linux-arm-g++
/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.3/bin/qmake -spec linux-g++

Once the Lazarus svn is updated, we should update the wikis. (use 
links to old wiki version to keep old explanation accessible)

Note that there is README.txt in lazarus/lcl/interfaces/qt/ that needs to
be updated as well.


Den Jean

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