[Qt] Free Pascal Qt4 binding not working with QT 4.7.0

Wagner Okuda Campaneli wagnerokuda at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 16:26:58 CET 2010

Hi everyone,
I've downloaded the binding's library source (V2.1, Qt 4.5.X, compatible
with Qt 4.6.X) expecting that it would work with Qt 4.7, but when I tried to
compile it, some problems appeared.
When I used the qmake, this message showed up:
"This Pascal binding should be used for 4.5.3 and current Qt is 4.7.0"
It didn"t concern me so much, 'cause the makefile was created. But when I
tried to *make *it, it said that the QtCore was not found.
Does anyone know what the problem could be?
Any help would be appreciated.

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