[Qt] Release V2.3

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Fri Jun 17 08:33:11 CEST 2011

On Thursday 16 of June 2011 20:33:33 Den Jean wrote:
> Hi,
> Release V2.3 of the Free Pascal Qt4 Binding is available here:
>   http://users.telenet.be/Jan.Van.hijfte/qtforfpc/fpcqt4.html
> Changes V2.3
>  * Added QSessionManager.
>  * Added platform dependant signals (like saveStateRequest from
> QApplication) * Added support for Haiku in qmake project file.
>  * Qt 4.5 to Qt 4.7 support
>   * based on classes/methods available in Qt 4.5
>   * but also compiles with Qt 4.7 and adds -mstackrealign when appropriate.
>   * removed QMenu::macMenu: Not present Qt 4.7 binaries, but present in Qt
> 4.5 * Fix for crash of Lazarus compiled with Range Checking On
>    (Lazarus Bug #16448).
>  * Windows Note: Qt 4.5 and Qt 4.7 use different MinGW versions
>    -> Different c++ compiler and dll dependancies.
>    -> You cannot use the binding binary compiled for one with the other.
>    -> Qt 4.7 binaries from Nokia, require a binding binary compiled
>       with -mstackrealign, note that the Qt 4.5 MinGW compiler does not
> know nor accepts this compiler option.
>  * Linux Note: In general, due to binary compatibility differences between
> the different c++ compilers of the different Linux distributions, you
> should not use the provided binaries but compile yourself the binding on
> your distribution. The binaries are just provided for convenience but may
> not work on your specific distribution.
>  * Mac OsX Note: The provided binary was created with XCode 3 on Mac OsX
> 10.5

Great ! Thanks :)
One question: why some constructors for QVariant and QString are removed ?
Also removed 
QLCLTreeWidgetItem_data_Override = procedure (column: Integer; role: Integer; 
retval: QVariantH) of object cdecl; 

Is it removed by mistake or what ?


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