[lazarus] On my way to compile lazarus

Peter Vreman pfvreman at wins.uva.nl
Fri Jul 23 06:17:06 EDT 1999

At 10:07 23-7-99 , you wrote:
>Been there, done that ... still complains about entry 14 in PPU file.
>Something drives me REALLY nuts (apart from the fact that if I can't
>compile, I can't help  'cause staring at source files, however nicely
>written is far from exciting :-)) is that it seems that when I try to
>build classes.pp, it insists on rebuilding rtl/linux/sysutils.pp
>I tried to 'touch' both the compiler and the units in rtl so that they
>were older than any other source I wanted to make but to no avail.
>I also notice that PPUDUMP complains about the same PPU 14 entry.
>I guess I'll have to wait for the next stable version of the compiler
>(there are talks about a soon to come 0.99.12b or maybe 1.0)
The 0.99.12b is now available on the ftp. The linux release is already 
complete and can be downlaoded in 6 flavours:

source rpm

source for .deb

binary .tar
source .tar.gz

for go32v2,win32 you need to look in the separate/ dirs for the updated 
files (date is July for the updated files)

>I wish there was an installer as easy to use as the one available for
If somebody wants to write it

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