[lazarus] Form options to not hide, and other stuff

John August johna at babel.apana.org.au
Fri Dec 14 05:12:12 EST 2001

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 10:45:41AM +0100, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Dec 2001 22:42:53 +1100
> John August <johna at babel.apana.org.au> wrote:
> > I'd like to have new forms not cover the old ones, because I have a
> > separate form for the graphical work area. Does this involve the
> > "dock" stuff in the form, or how does it work ?
> Docking is not implemented yet. You have to position the forms manually. See runparamsopts.pas for an example. There the form is positioned in the form's constructor.

You are talking about "SetBounds" ? Where is some documentation on it ?
Is it a lazarus, or a ppc function ?

> > I also need to put in the code to link the different forms together. Is 
> > there a way of automating this ? In the demo, you have to do the various
> > options for the different elements of the bench form array,
> The demo creates 59 forms and each one has a different component set. I don't see how you can automate this. Perhaps you mean a 'Wizard Wizard'?
> > but in visual components that seems done already.
> What do you mean?

With the source I am using, there seem to be no explicit creation code 
which sets up a heirachy, with the various forms and components being
created and allocated to a parent.

But perhaps I misunderstand what is going on in Delphi.

> > There's trouble using the visual lazarus environment. When I try to open
> > a new project, it crashes,
> Does this mean, you can't open any old project AND you can't create any new project?

Since I've added the compiler path, I can create a new project. However,
when I try to open a given project, there's an error :

forms.pp - finalization section
[TMainIDE.Destroy] A
[TMainIDE.Destroy] B  -> inherited Destroy...
An unhandled exception occurred at 0x4023AE72 :
Access violation
  0x4023AE72  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x401D050B  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x401FE3E3  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x401FC4D3  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x4023845D  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x40238FF0  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x401E17CA  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x0820D0F0  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x4037E460  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp

An unhandled exception occurred at 0x6E617453 :
Access violation
  0x6E617453  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp
  0x081EB6EC  main,  line 234 of graphics.pplcllinux.pp

So I still cannot get it to work ! But, never mind, I can manage with
separate files.

> > and when I try a build all, it it puts out
> > : "error : a directory in "" does not exist or is a dangling symlink.
> > I can give more information if this is not an obvious beginner problem.
> You have not set the compiler path. (Environment->General->Files)
> I have added some code, so that there will be a better error message.
> Also, the IDE will now search in a few places for the compiler.

OK, it does compile now. I have difficulty loading files into my own 
project, and replacing the default "unit1.pas". But, it does start
> > I also had problems compiling from the CVS ! Fortunately, I just ran 
> > make enough times, and each time around it had fewer errors. It was
> > disconcerting.
> There is a bug in the current compiler. (The fpc rpm from the lazarus site has not this bug 0815).
> If recompiling the whole IDE (or compiling it the first time) a make fails, because fpc complains about incompatible method/procs. Which is obviously wrong, since you can simply do a second make, and the fpc compiles fine.
> But I never have to 'make' it more than two times. So, I think, you have another bug.
> Plz send me the errors. Perhaps I find out why.

Er ... now it compiles without problem, and I'd have to search for the 
links and sub directories where I've linked files in. Sorry, I'm not keen
to do that :(

> > I'm not on the list, but if you could fill me in here, it would be 
> > appreciated.
> Ok. I hope, further replies will also send to "johna at babel.apana.org.au"
Thanks for your comments.

I'm also trying to get the arc function going, without any luck. Do you 
have any demonstration programs incorporating it ?

I hope to put up the source for a rectangular drain maker soon, so if
you're curious, you'll then be able to see what I'm up to.


John August

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