[lazarus] Installling Lazarus on Windows Me

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Mon Aug 19 21:57:01 EDT 2002

The Gauthiers wrote:

> I am getting really frustrated with the package. It looks so promising its
> painful, but don't think I've ever seen less in the way of
> setup/configuration information in any distributed application.

The truth is that the Windows version of Lazarus is much more alpha then 
the Linux version. The Win32 binary available is there to show what it 
looks like and how it will/can/should work in the future. The main 
coding of the LCL is written for GTK+. Unfortunately the Win32-GTK+ 
leaves alot to be desired. It has many problems.

A native Win32 API version of the LCL is being worked on but it is 
further behind then the Linux GTK+ version. At the moment there is only 
one person working on the Win32 API and only when he has a few moments.

The LCL has made amazing strides in the past several weeks which might 
help in the development of the Win32 API and the use of other widget sets.

While the Win32 version of Lazarus is a goal and is being worked on the 
Linux version is the primary development area.

All that being said I do know that it is possible to partially use the 
LCL in the Win32 environment. There should be others on this list that 
can probably give you more advise then I can.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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