[lazarus] native Win32 Interface

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Tue Aug 27 12:09:15 EDT 2002

cryst wrote:

> The LCL seems to be having problems getting traction as a cross O/S toolkit.
> wxWindows is there and working. We just need to interface to it.

The LCL was designed exactly for this purpose. To allow you to write 
different interfaces to different API's. Anyone is welcome to start work 
on a wxWindows API.

> I don't believe this means a total scrap and rebuild, but rather the low level O/S
> calls go to the wxWindows wrapper functions which sort out the details

This is exactly what the API independent interface does. Just write the 
appropriate calls to wxWindows.

> (which is done at the wxwindows compile time with conditional compiles). So
> the overhead isn't anymore then we would have to go through anyways.

Well that isn't exactly correct. In the standard use of wxWindows you 
would be using the wxWindows objects when coding. In other words you 
would just supply call back links to procedures for events, etc. etc.

However, when using Lazarus it has it's own event driven architecture. 
This LCL event code in turn talks to the wxWindows event code. So while 
the widget set independence is possible in the LCL design it isn't 
exactly a walk in the park to get it to work.  :-)

This is the reason that the Win32 API interface isn't totally working 
yet.  :-)

> My suggestion is that since Lazarus seems to be heading towards direct O/S
> api interfacing anyway,

What leads you to believe this????

> I don't know that more programmers will help this or not. In my experience 5
> programmers is a good team size.

You don't seem to understand. There AREN'T even 5 programmers. At this 
point there are only 2-3 programmers with available time at the moment 
to work on Lazarus. There was only 1 working on the Win32 API and I 
don't believe he has been available much in the last couple of months.

So we don't have a tooo many cooks issue we have a NO BROTH issue.  :-)

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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