[lazarus] 100% processor usage

Tony Maro tony at maro.net
Wed Mar 26 18:42:58 EST 2003

Okay, someone's going to ask me to reproduce this and I won't be able to
tell you how.

I was toying around with a MAC OSX like theme "AquaLightBlue" for my
Gnome.  It uses pixmapped backgrounds that have horizontal lines.

After running with it for a while I noticed a few things.  First,
Lazarus was slow to redraw windows in the IDE.  That could be

Then I found that flipping between windows, or sometimes just doing a
build would cause the processor usage to go to 100% for as much as 1
minute before whatever was going on stopped.  During that time the mouse
pointer even had a hard time moving.

I switched back to the ThinIce theme and this problem entirely went

I know the GTK color mapping and such is still under serious
development, and there were cautions mentioned on the list a while back
about pixmapped themes, but thought someone would like to know what I
saw happen.

I can reproduce it on MY machine, but even then it doesn't happen every
time I switch windows or build... it's sporadic.  But it definately
happens with the AquaLightBlue theme that I have, and not with the
ThinIce theme.  I don't know if other pixmapped themes will do it or
not.  I'm not a big theme switcher kind of guy.

Tony Maro
tony at maro.net

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