[lazarus] Heaptrc

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Sun Nov 9 13:57:08 EST 2003

At 18:25 9-11-2003, you wrote:
>On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 09:55, Marc Weustink wrote:
> > At 01:34 9-11-2003, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> > >On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 18:15:15 -0600
> > >Bob Wingard <bwingard at gt.rr.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > > I have to start the program outside the IDE. If I start inside the IDE
> > > > the debugger tries to start but loops,
> >
> > Eeek. Ehm, what does View->Debug windows->debugoutput say in this case. 
> And
> > is there some output on the console ?
>   The attached file has the console output for a standard project1
>compiled with the heaptrc option set and generate debugging information
>for gdb. IDE.txt is the output when the program is executed inside the
>IDE. cmdline.txt is the output from running the program from the command
>line ./project1 &> cmdline.txt.

OK, thanx for these. But, can you still give me the output of the
View->Debug windows->Debug Output dialog ?

Somehow it seems that it sucessfull retrieves the topmost call in the 
callstack, but after that ????

Does the same happen if you don't have the "Call Stack" window open ?

Another strange thing I noticed:
  [TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState] state: dsRun
  [WARNING] Debugger: Unknown stopped reason:
  TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "-break-insert FPC_RAISEEXCEPTION"
  TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "-break-insert FPC_BREAK_ERROR"
  TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "info program"
  [Debugger] Log output: &"info program\n"
  [Debugger] Target PID: 32126
  TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "-exec-continue"
  [TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState] state: dsPause

There should have been a dsRun state (the result of the -exec-continue) 
before the last dsPause.
What version of GDB are you using ? (what's the output of gdb -v)

Marc (puzzeled) 

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