[lazarus] Anouncement: Lazarus-CCR

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Sun Sep 28 12:54:27 EDT 2003

> Been looking at the code conversion guide,
>  http://lazarus.sourceforge.net/kb/index.php?wiki=CodeConversionGuide
> I have updated Unit changes including description and reasons, and added
> more Syntax changes and descriptions including partial code examples of
> them. If I messed up or missed or made any error I would like others to
> fix it.. 

I skimmed the above documentation, and...

Please fix it to not use {$Ifdef linux}. That will break the (usually
perfectly compatible) code on *BSD.
Use {$ifdef Unix} as much if you can.


{$ifdef Linux}
{$define unix}

to work around this for Kylix.

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