[Lazarus] LazReport

Terry A. Haimann terry at HaimannOnline.com
Sat Dec 6 16:48:16 CET 2008

On 5 Dec 2008, at 21:24, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Dec 2008 08:59:24 +0000
> Geoffrey Barton <mrb at periphon.net> wrote:
>> Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
>>> I installed the apple developer tools on a 10.5, installed laz and
>>> fpc and
>>> compiled lazarus without cwstring unit. The produced LCL
>>> applications run on
>>> 10.4 and 10.5. I didn't even alter the linker options or library
>>> paths as
>>> described in the wiki.
>>> So apparently a simple LCL app does not need much.
>>> Maybe some special controls need some special libs?
>> If I had installed Lazarus (0.9.26) on a machine running OS 10.4,
>> presumably it would compile and run programs ok?
> I don't know. I have no 10.4 to compile. It would be great if someone
> can test.

Ok, I will. I have a sacrificial G4. I will try and obtain a retail  
10.4 to load on it.
I did send a Laz app compiled on the G4 10.5 to somebody running a G5  
10.4, but it failed to run, I have asked for the crash log.


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