[Lazarus] GTK2 changed to single-handle-per-form design

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 10:31:46 CET 2009

Henry Vermaak wrote:
> Sigh.  Maybe you should raise that on the gtk list? 

Maybe I should report a few bugs there...

> Maybe you can
> also explain to me what good hard-coded bounds are, given that you
> will never be able to get it right to suit everyone's language, theme
> or font size.

And how bad does it look when a component paints outside it's bounds. Quick
answer - Terrible! Considering that I have not seen a single other GUI
toolkit allow that, it IS simply a bug in GTK2.

> always bad.  What use is something if you can't see it?  I've just
> gone through most of the ubuntu preferences dialogs and not one of
> them clips anything.  What's more is that they react to font sizes,
> theme changes and translation correctly.

Closer to home - the same can not be said for Lazarus IDE. There are stacks
of cases I can show screenshots where text points over groupbox bounds,
over button bounds etc...  Plus, if I have Lazarus IDE open and change my
Gnome theme. As soon as I reach the third theme change, the Lazarus IDE
crashes and closes.

But these are all probably LCL-GTK2 issues as most other GTK2 application
included with Ubuntu do not show these problem.

As for the general idea of component boundaries and clipping. It's just
common sense that a component boundary is there for a reason - everything
inside that component rectangle should not be allowed to paint outside the

But we are getting side tracked again. My intention with this message
thread was simply to notify the LCL developers about the GTK2 design change
- in case it will affect LCL-GTK2 in some way.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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