[Lazarus] Request to unlist Arabic language.

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 12:27:15 CET 2010

2010/1/29 Mattias Gärtner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>

> If you prefer english, you can switch the language in the environment /
> options / desktop.
> Or you can set the default for a machine by creating the following file:

@ik and Mattias

Thanks for your replays.

For me it is easy and it is done by first time, but not that my problem (How
to switch to English).
My wife teaching Delphi 7 in a school, she not know what Lazarus is even if
i worked at home.
I put Lazarus Setup in her Flash Disk then wish install it in that school
and start teaching it, especially Lazaus has good BidiMode in Win32 (for
The problem Lazarus after first install start with Arabic and with mixed
with English words that not translated, and with some funny translated
That make Bad points for Lazarus for a newbies students and teachers.

If it possible to mark that language not read to use to unstable without
remove it from the list but just not use it in the first time installed.

Sincerely yours.

Zaher Dirkey
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