[Lazarus] Broken cross compile build.

Mattias Gärtner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon May 17 17:49:26 CEST 2010

Zitat von Brad Campbell <brad at wasp.net.au>:

> Mattias Gärtner wrote:
>> The lfm file is copied by the compiler when it compiles the  
>> keymapshortcutdlg.ppu.
>> Maybe the ppu file was already there, but the lfm was missing?
>> Can you check what happens when you delete keymapshortcutdlg.ppu  
>> and then compile? Does it copy the lfm to  
>> units/powerpc-darwin/keymapshortcutdlg.lfm?
>> If not you found a bug in the compiler.
> Ok, the bug for this one is in my tools. I have an rsync script that  
> updates my lazarus tree from a pristine svn checkout, and that was  
> removing all the .lfm files from the unit paths, but leaving all the  
> object code. (Of course this used to work prior to the change to  
> $R). No issues, I need to fix my stuff there.

Hmm, this might explain the two bug reports too.

Michael, maybe we are both right: it's not a bug in fpc and not in lazarus.


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