[Lazarus] Lazarus make me create better apps

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Thu May 20 20:12:53 CEST 2010

2010/5/20 Razvan Adrian Bogdan <lightningflash at gmail.com>:
> PHP connect without problems to FPC and any other web technology, we had to
> do it in our project, PHP can run executables and return values, it's easy
> to redirect from on technology to another passing parameters between them.

Well... I do not knew PHP connects so easy at other tecnologies. I did
not use PHP so much... but I still do not like it  :P

> LUA is becoming more popular and it's syntax is closer to Pascal, i even
> think Pascal could learn a few things from LUA (like making begin optional
> :)

Yeah! I agree  :)

> LUA is getting large frameworks but it has too many differences between
> versions 5.0 - 5.1

Differences between versions will always exists.

BTW, the correct name is Lua, not LUA  ;)
PS: Lua is a word in Portuguese that mean Moon in English. Is not an acronym.

Marcos Douglas

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