[Lazarus] fpGUI

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Wed Jan 12 11:36:28 CET 2011

On 01/11/2011 03:23 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> That is strange. Most firewalls track the initial outgoing packets of
> traffic, and allow return packets back in without problems. Maybe not
> all firewalls are made equal. :-/
> And no, SourceForge has very limited support for Git - rather annoying.

I did encounter this problem with other gits as well. In fact AFAIK, 
it's a well known problem that the pure git protocol nearly always is 
blocked with company firewalls, while http (which git servers can be 
enable to support) does of course work. Another option is using the git 
protocol via ssl. I did enable this for a git server that I am, allowed 
to do uploads to. It does work, but setting it up is rather complex.
> Anyway, I created a new mirror repository of fpGUI Toolkit on Github.
> There you can use the git:// or https:// protocols to clone. You can
> even download the whole repository (or a Branch or a Tag) as a .zip or
> .tar.gz archive file.
Great ! Thanks !

> eg:
> Run the following command...
>     git clone https://github.com/graemeg/fpGUI.git
Nice ! Works !

Now lets see what I can do with this.

Thanks again,

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