[Lazarus] How do use sockets?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 22:01:23 CET 2011

On 28/11/2011, Jesus Reyes <jesusrmx at ya....> wrote:
>> http://tiopf.sourceforge.net/Doc/PersistingObjectsAndRelationships/SimpleCollection/index.shtml
> The tiOPF Quick Start at
> http://tiopf.sourceforge.net/Doc/QuickStart/index.shtml is half written, do
> you have the missing part? or do you have some Lazarus oriented
> documentation that helps to learn how to use the framework?

The "Quick Start" was an early attempt at the "Simple Collection"
page.  I'll read the content of the "Quick Start" page again and see
if it can be merged with the "Simple Collection" or if it really needs
to be a separate page - at which point it needs to be completed.

> A tutorial similar to the presentation in SimpleCollection link but oriented
> to Lazarus would be great.

Yes, this is already done in a ODT document (OpenDocument Text
format), but not published to the web yet. My bad. I'll generate a PDF
from the ODT, which is at work (so I can't do it now). I'll post a
download link on the web page "Simple Collections" page, and a link
here in the mailing list. This document use Lazarus IDE, and FPCUnit.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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