[Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 22:27:31 CEST 2014

On Sunday, September 7, 2014, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think I would rather configure it as "external tool" if I wanted to
> have access to it from the within IDE.

 There is no IDE integration with external tools.

The tool was set up to run tests on a "family of po-files", the only
> thing the user needs to do is select the .po and seect the test.
> All of these can be automated using commandline options.
> This may be a scenario on how to uses it as a package: it selects the
> (master) .po file of the project automatically?

Yes, if the project has only one .po file it should be selected. If the
project has more .po files they should all be listed.
For example when I am checking the numerous .po files under Lazarus project
the usability is very poor. I have the project open but still I must first
locate the .po files using a file manager and then open them separately in
This package could potentially benefit from IDE integration more than many
other packages.

The .po files are not part of a project. We would need to select all of
them below the project directory. They are almost surely needed by the

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